As You Like It MCQ | Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

As You Like It MCQ Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

As You Like It MCQ Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE
As You Like It MCQ Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

1. The lawful duke was the elder brother of-

(a) The usurper

(b) Oliver

(c) Orlando

(d) Celia

2. The name of the usurper was-

(a) Robin-hood

(b) Frederick

(c) Sir Rowland

(d) Ganymede

3. The banished duke’s daughter was-

(a) Aliena

(b) Ganymede

(c) Rosalind

(d) Celia

4. Celia was the daughter of-

(a) Sir Rowland

(b) the banished duke

(c) Frederick

(d) the shepherd

5. The wresting took powerfulman and- place between a

(a) Orlando

(b) Oliver

(c) Frederick

(d) Sir Rowland

6. Rosalind gave Orlando a-

(a) ring

(b) rose

(c) gold chain

(d) cottage

7. Orlando was the son of-

(a) Duke Frederick

(b) the banished duke

(c) Adam

(d) Sir Rowland de Boys

8. Before setting out for the Forest of Arden Rosalind wore the dress of a yong-

(a) countryman

(b) shepherd

(c) duke

(d) princess

9. Celia was dressed as a-

(a) boy

(b) servant

(c) country lass

(d) Princess

10. The love sonnets that Ganymede and to Aliena found fastened to the tree were all addressed to-

(a) Ganymede

(b) Celia

(c) Rosalind

(d) Aliena

11. The man whom Orlando saw lying asleep on the ground with a snake round his neck was-

(a) Frederick

(b) Ganymede

(c) Oliver

(d) Adam

12. Aliena fell in love with-

(a) Oliver

(b) Orlando

(c) the wrestler

(d) Adam

13. Adam gave Orlando his life’s saving of-

(a) one hundred marks

(b) one thousand crowns

(c) five hundred crowns

(d) five hundred pounds

14. Orlando did not touch a morsel of food-

(a) until the old duke offered him

(b) because he was well fed

(c) until Adam was fed

(d) because Rosalind was hungry

15. Adam was an old servant of-

(a) the old duke

(b) Duke Frederick

(c) Sir Rowland de Boys

(d) Rosalind

16. Orlando with his drawn sword attacked the old duke to-

(a) grab food

(b) kill the old duke

(c) snatch money

(d) rob them of their gold jewels

17. Oliver hated-

(a) the duke

(b) Orlando

(c) the old duke

(d) his father

18. When duke Frederick banished Rosalind from the court palace, Celia decided to-

(a) join Orlando

(b) accompany her father

(c) accompany her sister

(d) live alone

19. In the forest Rosalind introduced herself as-

(a) a senator

(b) Aliena’s brother

(c) Orlando’s lover

(d) Celia’s sister

20. Ganymede and Aliena fancied themselves as-

(a) husband and wife

(b) poet and poetess

(c) friends

(d) the shepherd and shepherdess

21. Oliver did not look after-

(a) Rosalind

(b) his father

(c) the old duke

(d) Orlando

22. In the forest Ganymede and Aliena brought-

(a) a farm

(b) a house and a few sheep

(c) a cornfield

(d) some food

23. In the wrestling match Orlando-

(a) was defeated

(b) defeated the wrestler

(c) go walkover

(d) was knocked down

24. The banished duke found books in-

(a) nature

(b) trees

(c) the flowing streams

(d) toads

25. The old duke enjoyed the forest life-

(a) angrily

(b) like that of Robinhood

(c) with a hermit

(d) with his daughter

26. The wrestling match between Orlando and Wrestler was-

(a) an uneven match

(b) a tough fight

(c) an interesting one

(d) none of these

27. The old duke took shelter in-

(a) a cave

(b) the Forest of Arden

(c) a church

(d) a fortified fort

28. The old duke was ousted by-

(a) his uncle

(b) his own brother

(c) his followers

(d) the senators

29. At the end of the story, the old duke-

(a) died

(b) became a hermit

(c) got back his dukedom

(d) made a voyage

30. Sir Rowland de Boys was a friend of-

(a) Oliver

(b) Adriana

(c) the old duke

(d) Celia

31. Duke Frederick underwent a reformation when-

(a) old duke died

(b) Celia convinced him

(c) he met a hermit in the forest

(d) Oliver married his daughter

32. The old duke, in his banishment, drew lesson from-

(a) medicine

(b) books

(c) his followers

(d) nature

33. Rosalind went to the Forest of Arden in disguise of-

(a) Aliena

(b) Adam

(c) Touchstone

(d) Ganymede the rustic

34. Once upon a time France was divided into-

(a) city states

(b) dukedoms

(c) Shires

(d) states

35. The banished duke found tongues in-

(a) the trees

(b) the leaves

(c) the rivers

(d) the books

36. Oliver plot to burn Orlando was overhead by-

(a) Adam

(b) Ganymede

(c) Orlando

(d) Celia

37. Rosalind felt pity for Orlando for his-

(a) weakness

(b) illness

(c) friendless condition

(d) suffering

38. Rosalind and Celia left for the Forest of Arden-

(a) on foot

(b) by a cart

(c) on horse back

(d) by a horse-drawn carriage

39. Oliver won the heart of Aliena by his-

(a) Manly figure

(b) royal attire

(c) heroic deeds

(d) way of expressing repentance for his of- fence

40. The lioness was waiting to attack-

(a) Aliena

(b) the old duke

(c) Oliver

(d) Orlando

41. The lioness was slain by-

(a) Orlando

(b) Oliver

(c) the shepherd

(d) Adam

42. Orlando threatened the old duke for having-

(a) some money

(b) some food

(c) a cottage

(d) his daughter

43. Initially Oliver proved to be-

(a) honest brother

(b) dishonest brother

(c) trustworthy brother

(d) untrust worthy brother

44. Frederick was actually a/an-

(a) usurper

(b) benefactor

(c) well-wisher

(d) betrayer

45. Orlando used to visit Ganymede to-

(a) gossip

(b) chat

(c) to court him assuming his Rosalind

(d) Aliena

46. The double marriage was celebrated in the forest with-

(a) royal customs

(b) with pomp and splendour

(c) without pomp and splendour

(d) tribal tradition

47. Duke Frederick realised his mistake and-

(a) embraced Orlando

(b) restored the dukedom to the old duke

(c) begged mercy from his brother

(d) made arrangement for marriage of Oliver and Celia

48. On trees Orlando carved the name of-

(a) Aliena

(b) Rosalind

(c) Celia

(d) Ganymede

49. The evil intention of Duke Frederick was converted by-

(a) a hermit

(c) the old duke

(b) Orlando

(d) Aliena

50. Orlando set out for the forest of Arden accompanied by-

(a) Oliver

(b) Adam

(c) Ganymede

(d) Aliena



1. Frederick was ____________.

(a) a lawful ruler

(b) powerful and benevolent roller

(c) usurper

(d) a banished ruler

2. The banished duke retired to the forest of Arden with _____________.

(a) his daughter

(b) his brother

(c) his books

(d) faithful followers

3. The banished duke led life in the forest like that of _____________.

(a) Robinhood

(b) Hollywood heroes

(c) hermits

(d) sporty animals.

4. Duke and his followers felt sad because they had to ___________.

(a) cut the trees

(b) live in the forest

(c) kill deer for food

(d) leave the palace life

5. There are some uses of a poisonous ____________.

(a) snake

(b) roots

(c) goats

(d) toad

6. The _____________ between the duke and his brother did not at all affect the friendship betwen two sisters.

(a) affection

(b) discord

(c) concord

(d) jealousy

7. Celia agreed to go to see the wresting match because the thought it would please_____________.

(a) the duke

(b) the wrestler

(c) Rosalind

(d) Orlando

8. Frederick asked ____________ to dissuade the young man from fighting with royal Wrestler.

(a) the princess

(b) the massenger

(c) Adam

(d) Oliver

9. The young Wrestler became all the more _______________ to prove his valour.

(a) confused

(b) enthusiastic

(c) discouraged

(d) determined

10. He said that he was only a man who fill up _______________ in the world.

(a) people with love

(b) a space

(c) man with desire

(d) virtue

11. In the match the young Wrestler defeated his opponent in a way that he could not ______________.

(a) walk

(b) sleep

(c) talk

(d) stand

12. When Frederick came to know about the identity of Orlando he became ______________.

(a) overjoyed

(b) disbalanced

(c) displeased

(d) indifferent

13. Orlando was given a ____________ when he became victorious. 

(a) trophy

(b) 50 crown

(c) a gold chain by Rosalind

(d) Handsome reward by the duke

14. Frederick was _____________ at the sight of Sir Rowland de Boy’s son. 

(a) enraged

(b) elated

(c) disappointed

(d) hopeful

15. Duke was displeased with _____________ as she/was praised for her/virtues. 

(a) Orlando

(b) Rosalind

(c) Celia

(d) Aliena

16. ‘You will seem more ___________ and virtuous when she is gone. 

(a) fair

(b) honest

(c) cheerful

(d) bright

17. Frederick said the decision that he took was _____________.

(a) kind

(b) heartless

(c) irrelevant

(d) irrevocable

18. The princesses set out on their journey to the forest of Arden with _____________.

(a) Money and dresses ist

(b) Money and Jewels

(c) courage and devotion

(d) fear and mistrust

19. The two sisters settled in the _____________ comfortably like shepherd and shepherdess.

(a) inn

(b) palace

(c) new cottage

(d) new business

20. When Oliver heard the victory of Orlando his ____________ knew no bound.

(a) joy

(b) tears

(c) jealousy

(d) enthusiasm

21. Adam had a special ______________ for Orlando.

(a) news

(b) affection

(c) gift

(d) respect

22. ‘O my gentle master, my sweet master, why are you ______________ ?

(a) angry

(b) doubtful

(c) virtuous

(d) worried

23. Ganymede and Aliena were surprised to see _________________.

(a) a country man

(b) their new cottage

(c) an inn in the forest

(d) Rosalind’s name carved on bark

24. Adam advised Orlando to _______________.

(a) fight Oliver

(b) Fight the duke

(c) leave the place

(d) Save money for future.

25. Orlando addressed Adam as _____________ when they set out for Arden.

(a) grandfather

(b) grand old servant

(c) good old servant

(d) good old man

26. Orlando said he had to put up such a behaviour to get _____________.

(a) power

(b) position

(c) 50 crown

(d) food

27. Seeing Rosalind _____________ Celia did not remind her the real reason of her coming to the forest.

(a) sad

(b) confused

(c) happy

(d) worried

28. Orlando then requested Rosalind to give him _____________.

(a) some advice

(b) the gold chain

(c) the cottage

(d) a chance

29. Rosalind felt highly satisfied and ______________ to know how truely Orlando loved her.

(a) happy

(b) surprising

(c) amused

(d) clam

30. When Oliver woke up he saw how the brother he had ____________ so much was fighting to save him. 

(a) despised

(b) loved

(c) helped

(d) educated

31. Oliver confessed his own misdeeds and also spoke of their ___________ to Aliena.

(a) love betrayal

(b) opion

(c) reconciliation

(d) recomendation

32. Ganymede ______________ hearing about Orlando’s wound. 

(a) fainted

(b) cried

(c) called for help

(d) remained indifferent

33. She said that she would try to bring Rosalind by a _____________ the next day.

(a) supernatural power

(b) special magical power

(c) black magic

(d) witchcraft

34. Frederick was ___________ at the flight of Celia. 

(a) upset

(b) unconcious

(c) enraged

(d) delighted

35. Frederick was totally changed by _____________ as he entered the forest.

(a) a shocking incident

(b) special magic

(c) a hermit

(d) his brother



1. (A) Frederick was the lawful duke of France.

(B) He deposed and banished his elder.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

2. (A) According to the old duke chilling winds are true counsellors.

(B) He found books in the following stream.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

3. (A) Old Dukes daughter Rosalind stayed in the Palace.

(B) Frederick’s daughter Celia did not like Rosalind.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

4. (A) Both the princess requested the young wrestler to Fight with the royal wrestler.

(B) Orlando agreed with the princess.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

5. (A) The result of the wrestling match was suprising.

(B) Duke Frederick was very happy with the result.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

6. (A) Orlando was the elder son of Sir Rowland de Boys.

(B) Rowland de Boys was a close friend of Frederick.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

7. (A) Rosalind fall-in-love with Orlando.

(B) Orlando gave her a gold chain as a gift.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

8. (A) People pitied Rosalind for her love with Orlando.

(B) Frederick ordered Rosalind to join her father in the forest.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

9. (A) Celia could not change her father’s opinion about Rosalind.

(B) Celia accompanied Rosalind to the forest of Arden.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

10. (A) Celia put on the disguise of a country lad.

(B) Celia was taller than Rosalind.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

11. (A) Ganymede and Aliena took with jewels but no money.

(B) In the forest they did not get an inn or food.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

12. (A) The two sisters stayed in the forest of Arden imagining themselves as shephered and Shepherdess.

(B) Coming to the forest Rosalind forgot all about Orlando.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

13. (A) Oliver tried to burn alive Orlando.

(B) Adam was an old servant of Sir Rowland de Boys.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

15. (A) Adams took with him gold.

(B) He told Orlando to take the gold and run away leaving him alone.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

16. (A) Oliver sent Orlando to school for good education.

(B) Oliver kept his father’s request.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

17. (A) Rosalind recognised Orlando seeing the gold chain.

(B) Orlando did not recognise Rosalind as she did not have a gold chain.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

18. (A) Orlando opened his sword and jumped at the dinner table.

(B) Orlando wanted to scare the duke and his companion.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

19. (A) There were love poetry written on the leaves of the tree.

(B) Rosalind became terribly afraid seeing the love poetry.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

20. (A) Real reason of Rosalind’s coming to the forest was to find out her father.

(B) Rosalind met with her father in the forest without revealing her true identity.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

21. (A) Orlando was going to Ganymede when he saw Oliver fighting with a lioness.

(B) His brotherly affection prevented Orlando to leave Oliver in danger.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

22. (A) Oliver was full of remorse when he saw Orlando fighting with a lioness to save his (Oliver’s) life.

(B) Wound from the lioness made Orlando weak.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

23. (A) Aliena fell-in-love with Orlando’s brother.

(B) Hearing Orlando injured, Ganymede at once fainted.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

24. (A) The marriage of the two couple in the forest did not have the splendour of the royals but it was the happiest marriage.

(B) A massenger arrived to inform the duke that his Dukedom has been restored to him.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

25. (A) Frederick bought a huge army to execute Rosalind and Celia.

(B) Frederick was entirely changed by a hermit whom he met as he entered the forest.

(a) Both A & B True

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A false but B true

(d) Both A & B false

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