The Bangle Sellers MCQ | Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

The Bangle Sellers MCQ | Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

The Bangle Sellers MCQ | Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE
The Bangle Sellers MCQ | Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

The Bangle Sellers MCQ Question Answer


1. The poem ‘The Bangle Sellers’ is written by-

(a) John Keats

(b) William Wordsworth

(c) Sarojini Naidu

(d) W.B. Yeats

2. The poem was first published in the collection of poems named-

(a) Coromandel Fishers

(b) The Bird of Time

(c) The Songs of Time

(d) The Folktales of Bengal

3. The year in which ‘The Bangle Sellers’ was first published was-

(a) 1904

(c) 1910

(b) 1908

(d) 1912

4. The maiden name of Sarojini Naidu was

(a) Padmini Sengupta

(b) Sarojini Ghosh

(c) Binodini Mukhopadhyay

(d) Sarojini Chattopadhyay.

5. The title ‘Nightingale of India’ or ‘Bharat Kokila’ was given to Sarojini Naidu by-

(a) Rabindranath Tagore

(b) Mahatma Gandhi

(c) Netaji

(d) Acharya Jagadhish Chandra Basu

6. The year when Sarojini Naidu was born is-

(a) 1879

(c) 1889

(b) 1869

(d) 1859

7. The city where Sarojini Naidu was born-

(a) Chennai

(b) Kolkata

(c) Hyderabad

(d) Delhi

8. Sarojini Naidu was the first Indian female president of-

(a) Indian Council

(b) Indian National Congress

(c) Inde-pendent India

(d) Reserve Bank of India

9. Sarojini Naidu passed away in the year-

(a) 1949

(c) 1951

(b) 1950

(d) 1952

10. The poem ‘The Bangle Sellers’ has-

(a) three stanzas

(b) four stanzas

(c) five stanzas

(d) six stanzas

11. Each stanza of the poem has-

(a) four lines

(b) five lines

(c) six lines

(d) seven lines

12. Each stanza of the poem has-

(a) two rhyming couplets

(b) three rhyming couplets

(c) four rhyming couplets

(d) five rhyming couplets

13. Rhyme scheme of each stanza of the poem is-

(a) abbaab

(b) aabbcc

(c) abcabc

(d) abbccd

14. The poem ‘The Bangle Sellers’ is written in-

(a) blank verse

(b) free verse

(c) haiku style

(d) rhyming couplet

15. The poem here celebrates-

(a) child-hood

(b) patriarchy

(c) boyhood

(d) womanhood

16. The main theme of the poem is-

(a) Colourful Bangles

(b) Temple Fairs of India

(c) Celebration of Womanhood

(d) Life of Bangle Sellers

17. The poem ‘The Bangle Sellers’ describes

(a) The contribution of Bangle Sellers in Indian Society

(b) Different stages of a woman’s life

(c) The value of temple fairs in India

(d) The cultural and social significance of peddlers

18. The speakers or the narrators of the poem are-

(a) the bangle sellers

(b) the people in the fair

(c) the organisers of the temple fair

(d) a few customers buying bangles

19. The bangles sellers are advertising their bangles-

(a) at the village fair

(b) at the temple fair

(c) beside a church

(d) none of these

20. The different stages of a woman’s life are described through-

(a) colours of bangles

(b) colours of sarees

(c) voices of the hawkers

(d) none of these

The Bangle Sellers MCQ Question Answer

21. What kind of mood do the bangle sellers express here?-

(a) cheerless and dreary

(b) jovial and joyous

(c) annoyance and malice

(d) disdain and enmity

22. The bangle sellers are carrying the loads of bangles to the-

(a) village fair

(b) town

(c) temple fair

(d) houses of the villagers

23. The bangle sellers’ effort is-

(a) only to attract the customers’ attention

(b) to point out the worth of bangles

(c) sell the bangles in their store

(d) to show the variety of colours of the bangles only

24. The bangle sellers have bangles for-

(a) the young maidens and brides

(b) the mature wives and mothers

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

25. “Our shining loads’-Here the word ‘our’ refers to-

(a) the bangle sellers

(b) the maidens in the fair

(c) the customers

(d) the temple priests

26. “Our shining loads”-The phrase ‘shining loads’ refers to-

(a) the different colourful bright bangles

(b) baskets full of fresh fruits

(c) various colourful ornaments

(d) dazzling and delicately designed baskets

27. The bangles that the bangle sellers carry are-

(a) delicately designed

(b) bright and rainbow-tinted

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of these

28. The word that describes the loads of the bangle sellers is-

(a) expensive

(c) rich coloured

(b) wide and various

(d) shining

29. The bangle sellers describe the bangles as-

(a) circles of hope

(b) circles of light

(c) circles of bright lives

(d) circles of pride

30. “Rainbow-tinted circles of light”-The figure of speech used here is-

(a) simile

(b) metaphor

(c) alliteration

(d) onomatopoeia

31. The phrase ‘Rainbow-tinted circles of light’ refers to-

(a) the rainbow formed in the sky

(b) the happy lives of women

(c) the various colourful and shining bangles

(d) happy and bright lives of maidens and daughters

32. The word ‘lustrous’ means-

(a) radiating and glowing

(b) fade and lifeless

(c) watery

(d) witless and dull

33. Name the figure of speech used in the line ‘Lustrous tokens of radiant lives”—

(a) simile

(c) personification

(b) metaphor

(d) anaphora

34. The bangles of the bangle sellers are described as lustrous tokens of-

(a) insipid lives

(c) burning lives

(b) exciting lives

(d) radiant lives

35. The phrase ‘radiant lives’ refers to the lives of-

(a) bangle sellers

(b) peddlers and hawkers

(c) young couples

(d) women

36. The glass bangles of different colours rep- resent-

(a) sanctity of a priest’s life

(b) happiness of daughters and wives

(c) modesty and humbleness

(d) holiness and purity

37. “Bangle sellers are we who bear”-The figure of speech used here is-

(a) personification

(b) anaphora

(c) repetition

(d) hyperbaton

38. How many number of stages in a woman’s life are mentioned in this poem?-

(a) two

(b) three

(c) four

(d) five

39. According to the bangle sellers, the ‘lus- trous tokens’ are meant for-

(a) happy daughters

(b) happy wives

(c) happy widows

(d) both (a) and (b)

40. In the line “For happy daughters and happy wives” the poet uses-

(a) metonymy

(b) pun

(c) repetition

(d) hyperbole

The Bangle Sellers MCQ Question Answer Class 11 English First Semester

41. According to the bangle sellers, the bangles are suitable for-

(a) rich and wealthy women

(b) penniless women

(c) widows

(d) women of different age group

42. The colours of bangles suitable for maidens are-

(a) silver and blue

(b) orange and purple

(c) golden and purple

(d) yellow and orange

43. Silver and blue bangles are compared to

(a) mountain stream

(b) mountain mist

(c) fields of corn

(d) rainbow

44. The silver and blue bangles symbolise-

(a) purity and freshness

(b) feelings of desire

(c) passionate feelings

(d) satisfaction

45. A maiden’s purity is represented by-

(a) red bangles

(b) orange bangles

(c) silver and blue bangles

(d) purple and gold bangles

46. In the line “Silver and blue as the moun- tain mist” the poet uses-

(a) simile

(b) metaphor

(c) hyperbola

(d) anaphora

47. “Some are flushed like the buds”-The fig- 5 ure of speech used here is

(a) hyperbaton

(b) litotes

(c) simile

(d) apostrophe

48. The word ‘flushed’ stands for-

(a) light yellow bangles

(b) light red bangles

(c) light saffron

(d) light blue bangles

49. Flushed bangles are compared to-

(a) rainbow

(b) sky

(c) stream

(d) buds

50. “The buds that dream”-Here we can see the use of-

(a) hyperbole

(b) euphemism

(c) personification

(d) antithesis

51. The flushed or light red bangles are meant for-

(a) children

(b) mature women

(c) unmarried young women

(d) middle aged wives

52. “….the buds that dream”-This expres- sion is suggestive of-

(a) maidens dreaming of marriage

(b) women dreaming of a prosperous life

(c) children longing for joyous sport

(d) mature wives’ desire for a supportive farm- ily

53. The word ‘tranquil’ means-

(a) bright

(b) peaceful

(c) terbulent

(d) unruly

54. The poem depicts that the dreaming buds are visible-

(a) by the sea-shore

(b) on the serene bank of a woodland-stream

(c) beside a forest spring

(d) just below the mountain peak

55. The woodland-stream witnesses the growth of dreaming buds in a-

(a) swerving environment

(b) sober-sided ambience

(c) gloomy atmosphere

(d) dark and dismal setting

56. “Some are aglow with the bloom”-Here the bangle sellers suggest-

(a) the newly married women

(b) the bangles that shine with the brightness of newly blossomed flowers

(c) The fresh and bright new born plants

(d) None of these

57. The expression ‘limpid glory of new born leaves’ refers to-

(a) the ruby coloured bangles

(b) the bangles which are blue

(c) the light-green bangles

(d) purple coloured bangles

58. The light-green bangles symbolise a maiden’s-

(a) purity

(c) chastity

(b) innocence

(d) all the three

59. The word ‘limpid’ means-

(a) clean

(c) hyaline

(b) transparent

(d) all the three

WBCHSE Class XI English First Semester The Bangle Sellers MCQ Question Answer

60. The expression “the bloom that cleaves to the limpid glory of new born leaves” refers to-

(a) the flowers becoming fade with the passage of time

(b) the blossomed flowers adhered to fresh leaves

(c) the glowing beauty of new born girl-child

(d) None of these


61. The freshness of new-born leaves are compared to

(a) new born baby

(b) light green bangles

(c) blossomed flowers beside the woodland- river

(d) the vast green woodland.

62. The glory of new born leaves is said to be-

(a) tranquil

(b) flushed

(c) limpid

(d) flame

63. According to the bangle sellers, silver, blue and green bangles are usually worn by-

(a) the mature wives

(b) the old aged women

(c) the young brides

(d) the young unmarried women

64. The second stanza represents-

(a) a maiden’s life

(b) a young bride’s life

(c) a married woman’s life

(d) a mature mother’s life

65. The expression ‘buds that dream’ repre- sents the image of-

(a) mature wives and mothers

(b) young brides

(c) young maidens

(d) middle aged women

66. “Some are like fields of sunlit corn”-Here the word ‘some’ refers to-

(a) flowers

(b) bangles

(c) baskets

(d) young maidens

67. “Some are like fields of sunlit corn”-Here fields of sunlit corn are compared to-

(a) red bangles

(b) blue bangles

(c) yellow bangles

(d) purple bangles

68. “Some are like fields of sunlit corn”-The figure of speech used here is-

(a) simile

(b) metaphor

(c) onomato poeia

(d) personification

69. The bangles which are like fields of sunlit corn are suitable for-

(a) wives

(b) mothers

(c) brides

(d) young maidens

70. The colour associated with ‘fields of sun- lit corn’ is-

(a) red

(b) green

(c) orange

(d) yellow

71. Yellow bangles are meant for brides on-

(a) her bridal evening

(b) her bridal morn

(c) her bridal night

(d) her bridal seat

72. The term ‘marriage fire’ is usually an inte- gral part of-

(a) Muslim culture

(b) Hindu culture

(c) Christian culture

(d) None of these

73. The colour of bangles representing the ‘flame of marriage fire’ is-

(a) orange or red

(b) blue

(c) purple

(d) green

74. The bangles like the flame of marriage fire symbolically suggests the bride’s-

(a) purity

(b) chastity and innocence

(c) passionate feelings and desire

(d) glowing appearance

75. The passionate feelings and desire of the new bride is symbolised by-

(a) rainbow-tinted circles of light

(b) new born leaves

(c) fields of sunlit corn

(d) flame of her marriage fire

76. “Some, like the flame of her marriage fire”-Here the poet uses-

(a) meta-phor

(b) simile

(c) personification

(d) metonymy

77. The figure of speech used in “rich with the hue of her heart’s desire” is-

(a) alliteration

(b) simile

(c) personi-fication

(d) metaphor

78. The joy and sorrow of a young bride are seemed to express by-

(a) tinkling and luminous bangles

(b) tender and clear bangles

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

79. The figure of speech used in the phrase “her bridal laughter and bridal tear” is-

(a) alliteration

(b) repetition

(c) apostrophe

(d) hyperbole

80. The word ‘tinkling’ is an example of-

(a) onomatopoeia

(b) pun

(c) auditory images

(d) both (a) and (c)

The Bangle Sellers MCQ Question Answer

81. The phrase ‘bridal laughter’ is suggestive of the bride’s joy as-

(a) she is going to leave her parents

(b) she is going to start a new life with her husband

(c) she is going to set her foot to an un- known world

(d) she is going to her own house

82. The phrase ‘bridal tear’ indicates the bride’s sorrow for-

(a) her marriage is accomplished so soon

(b) she still likes to play and enjoy the caring of her parents

(c) she has to leave her parents and child- hood home

(d) she does not have any idea of her husband’s house

83. What are the colours mentioned in the third stanza of the poem?-

(a) silver and blue

(b) yellow and red

(c) purple and pink

(d) blue and purple

84. The word ‘flecked’ means-

(a) transported

(b) tampered

(c) dotted

(d) blotted

85. The colour of bangles suitable for mature wives and mothers is-

(a) purple

(b) grey

(c) gold-flecked

(d) all the three

86. The purple and gold-flecked grey bangles signify-

(a) happiness

(b) passion and desire

(c) maturity and loyalty

(d) chastity and freshness

87. “For she who has journeyed through life’ -This line refers to-

(a) the male members of a family

(b) the middle aged women

(c) the children

(d) young maidens and brides

88. “Whose hands have cherished” – The bangle sellers here represent the hands of-

(a) father

(b) daughter

(c) mature mother

(d) son

89. The purple and gold-flecked grey bangles are suggestive of-

(a) passionate feelings

(b) innocence

(c) feeling of satisfaction and maturity

(d) freshness and purity

90. “And cradled fair sons on her faithful breast”-The figure of speech used here is-

(a) hyperbole

(b) alliteration

(c) personification

(d) simile

91. In the fourth stanza the repetition of ‘And’ at the beginning of the last three lines is an example of

(a) euphemism

(b) anaphora

(c) chiasmus

(d) pun

92. “Whose hands have cherished, whose love has blest / And cradled.” -These lines of the poem highlight the role of a woman lea as d To say

(a) a daughter

(b) a wife stero

(c) a mother

(d) a young maiden

93. The expression “faithful breast” is sugges- tive of-

(a) motherly care

(b) loyalty

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of these

94. A woman’s feeling of satisfaction and fulfilment for performing her duties with dedication is visible in the phrase-

(a) faithful breast

(b) fruitful pride

(c) flame of marriage fire

(d) limpid glory

95. “Whose hands have cherished, whose love has blest” Here the poet uses-

(a) synecdoche

(b) metonymy

(c) repetition

(d) euphemism

96. In the last stanza of poem “The Bangle Sellers”, the bangles are indicative of-

(a) authority

(b) responsibility

(c) arrogance

(d) happiness

97. The expression “bridal laughter and bridal tear” indicates-

(a) uallied feelings

(b) mixed emotion

(c) paranormal feelings

98. The poem “The Bangle Sellers” reveals-

(a) Indian feminity

(b) Indian urban culture

(c) female oppression

(d) Indian parentage

99. Stanza three of the poem describes the life of-

(a) young maidens

(b) young brides

(c) mature women

(d) mature wives and husbands

100. Stanza four of the poem describes the life of-

(a) unmarried women

(b) new brides

(c) middle aged women

(d) young children

The Bangle Sellers MCQ Question Answer

101. What type of poem is “The Bangle Sell- ers”?

(a) sonnet

(b) lyric

(c) elegy

(d) ballad


1. The poem “The Bangle Sellers” cele-brates ____________.

(a) Parental caring

(b) Indian womanhood

(c) Indian culture

(d) Urban society and Hindu religion

2. There are ______________ the poem- lines in each stanza of

(a) four

(b) five

(c) six

(d) seven

3. _____________ stages of a woman’s life is visible in this poem.

(a) two

(b) three

(c) four

(d) five

4. The different colourful bangles are meant for-

(a) ill-fated wives and daugh-ters

(b) happy daughters and wives

(c) fortunate wives and daughters

(d) righteous daughters and wives

5. According to the bangle sellers, bangles bring ____________ to the women’s life-

(a) morality

(b) sanctity

(c) bliss

(d) affliction

6. The bangle sellers bear ____________ temple fair. to the

(a) blotted loads

(b) tilted loads

(c) painted loads

(d) shining loads

7. The phrase ‘circles of light’ suggests-

(a) dazzling rings of fire

(b) wheels of fire

(c) bright colourful bangles

(d) gorgeous rainbows

8. The colourful bangles are lustrous tokens of ____________ lives.

(a) youthful

(b) radiant

(c) tame

(d) lusterless

9. The rainbow-tinted bangles are said to be _______________.

(a) pleasant

(b) faint

(c) waved

(d) delicate

10. ______________ bangles are meant for a maiden’s wrist.

(a) purple

(b) yellow

(c) blue

(d) violate

11. When two bangles struck each other they create a ____________ sound.

(a) quaking

(b) tinkling

(c) quivering

(d) throbbing

12. “The Bangle Sellers” is a ___________ poem.

(a) mystical

(b) lyrical

(c) moralistic

(d) ethical

13. Fields of sunlit corn represent ____________ coloured bangles.

(a) red

(b) blue

(c) silver

(d) yellow

14. ____________ coloured bangles are suitable for maidens-

(a) purple

(b) silver

(c) violet

(d) golden

15. ___________coloured bangles are meant for middle-aged women.

(a) violet

(b) orange

(c) purple

(d) silver

16. Bangles are said to be ____________ lives. of radiant

(a) mountain-mist

(b) sunlit corn

(c) tokens

(d) examples

17. Bangles have different colours like _____________.

(a) the mountain-mist

(b) the happy wives

(c) the buds

(d) the rainbow

18. Bangles meant for a bride on her bridal morn are like-

(a) fields of sunlit corn

(b) mountain mist

(c) new born leaves

(d) buds that dream

19. Tinkling, luminous, tender and clear bangles are like _____________.

(a) woodland stream

(b) happy daughters

(c) fruitful pride

(d) bridal laughter and bridal tear.

20. The bloom cleaves to the ______________ glory of new born leaves. 

(a) aglow

(b) delicate

(c) limpid

(d) tinkling

21. The silver and blue bangles are like ___________.

(a) radiant lives

(b) bridal laughter

(c) mountain mist

(d) sunlit corn

22. The line “And cradled fair sons on her faithful breast” is suggestive of a woman’s ___________.

(a) childhood

(b) motherhood

(c) virginity

(d) maidhod

23. Rainbow-tinted bangles are for ____________.

(a) optimistic women

(b) middle-aged mature women

(c) happy daughters and wives

(d) tender aged women

24. The bangles like ____________ are suited for young brides.

(a) new born leaves

(b) fields of sunlit corn

(c) buds dreaming of becoming flowers

(d) temple fairs

25. The bangles that are ____________ are suited for a middle-aged woman. 

(a) silver

(b) gold-flecked grey

(c) like marriage fire

(d) like new born leaves

26. The phrase that expresses the joy and happiness of a bride is ____________.

(a) bridal laughter

(b) bridal morn

(c) mountain-mist

(d) flame of marriage fire

27. The silver and blue coloured bangles are compared to _____________.

(a) fields of sunlit corn

(b) marriage fire

(c) mountain mist

(d) new born leaves

28. The bangles suited for brides are compared to ______________.

(a) new born leaves

(b) blooming flowers

(c) moun-tain mist

(d) flame of marriage fire

29. _____________ colour suggests flame of marriage fire.

(a) Green

(b) Silver

(c) Red

(d) Purple

30. Purple and gold-flecked grey bangles are associated with _____________.

(a) maidens

(b) middle-aged women

(c) brides

(d) widows

31. The phrase ____________ is a metaphor for women.

(a) rainbow-tinted circles of light

(b) radiant lives

(c) lustrous tokens

(d) shining loads

32. The meaning of lustrous is ____________.

(a) colourful

(b) shiny

(c) morbid

(d) dull

33. The phrase ______________ symbolises a young bride’s desire.ded to primed

(a) limpid glory of new-born leaves

(b) circles of light

(c) flame of her marriage-fire

(d) fields of sunlit corn

34. A bride’s mixed emotions are indicated by _____________.

(a) flame of her marriage fire

(b) limpid glory of new born leaves

(c) bridal laughter and bridal tear

(d) fair sons on her faithful breast



(a) Green bangles resembling new born leaves’ represent freshness and beauty.

(b) Red bangles resemble sunlit corn.

(c) Purple bangles are suitable for new brides.

(d) Bangles in the poem are for married women only.


(a) Red bangles are like the buds that dream.

(b) Blue bangles are for new brides.

(c) Yellow coloured bangles are suited for a bride on her bridal morn.

(d) Bangles are indicative of women’s hap- piness.


(a) The bangle sellers are carrying bangles to the village market.

(b) The poem “The Bangle Sellers” gives us hints of patriarchy.

(c) The poem “The Bangle Sellers” is an exmaple of ballad.

(d) Each stanza of the poem has six rhym- ing couplets.


(a) Bridal laughter is indicative of blissful- ness and happiness.

(b) Lustrous tokens are suggestive of bright coloured bangles.

c) The purple colour signify maturity.

(d) The buds dream of becoming a mature plant.


(a) “Silver and blue as the mountain mist” is an example of metaphor.

(b) The poem “The Bangle Sellers” repre- sent Indian urban culture.

(c) “The Bangle Sellers” consists of 24 lines.

(d) The phrase ‘circles of light’ signifies young maidens.


(a) “The Bangle Sellers” was published in ‘The Feather of the Dawn’.

(b) The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘ABBAAB’.

(c) The poem “The Bangle Sellers” is rich in its colour imageries.

(d) Four stages of a woman’s life is pre- sented in “The Bangle Sellers”.


(a) The speakers of the poem are going to a temple fair.

(b) Besides being a poet Sarojini Naidu was also a politician.

(c) “The Bangle Sellers” is lyrical poem.

(d) The loads of the bangle sellers are dull but costly.


(a) The poem “The Bangle Sellers” presents before us traditional Indian Society.

(b) The expression ‘buds that dream’ holds the image of young unmarried women.

(c) Bangles are tokens of lustrous and ra- diant lives.

(d) Indianness is not visible in this poem.


(a) In this poem, the hawkers selling bangles are introduced in the second stanza.

(b) Maidenhood is seen in the last stanza.

(c) The middle-aged woman fostered/ brought her son up with loyalty.

(d) We see want of visual images in the poem.


1. “Bangle sellers are we who bear / our shining loads _____________ the temple fair.”

(a) in

(b) to

(c) on

(d) at

2. “Who will buy these delicate, bright / Rainbow-tinted circles ___________ light.” The missing preposition is ___________.

(a) at

(b) from

(c) of

(d) by

3. “Some are meet ____________ a maiden’s wrist” The preposition used here is _____________.

(a) of

(b) by

(c) to

(d) for

4. “Some are like fields of sunlit corn,/ Meet for a bride ______________ her bridal morn.” The mission preposition is _____________.

(a) for

(b) on

(c) at

(d) in

5. “And cradled fair sons ________________ her faithful breast.” The missing preposition is __________.

(a) into

(b) for

(c) at

(d) on

6. “And serves her household ____________ fruitful pride. The preposition used here is ___________.

(a) on

(b) with

(c) in

(d) for

7. “And worships the gods ____________ husband’s side”. her The preposition missing here is ______________.

(a) on

(b) at

(c) for

(d) with

8. “Some are like fields of sunlit corn. / Meet for ____________ bride” The appropriate article used here is ____________.

(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) none

9. Some are purple and gold flecked grey / For she who has journeyed through life” The underlined part is an example of ______________.

(a) Principle clause

(b) Coordinating Clause

(c) Adjective Clause

(d) Adverb Clause

10. “Bangle sellers are we who bear / Our shining loads to the temple fair.” The underlined part is an example of ___________.

(a) Noun clause

(b) Independent clause

(c) Co-ordinating clause

(d) Sub-ordinating clause

11. In the phrase ‘shining loads’, the poet uses _______________.

(a) past participle

(b) gerund

(c) nominal clause

(d) present participle

12. The phrase ‘mountain-mist’ is an example of-

(a) nominal compound

(b) gerund

(c) past participle

(d) present participle

13. “Bangle sellers are we who bear / our shining loads to the temple fair.” The underlined part is an example of-

(a) Noun clause

(b) Adver clause

(c) Co-ordinating clause

(d) Relative clause

14. “Who __________ these delicate, bright / Rainbow-tinted circles of light?” The appropriate verb / verbs here is / are-

(a) have bought

(b) will buy

(c) buys

(d) had bought

15. “She _________ her household in fruitful pride”. The appropriate word here is

(a) serves

(b) served

(c) serve

(d) will serve

16. “And ___________ the golds at her husband’s side.” The appropriate verb form here is-

(a) will worship

(b) worshipped

(c) worships

(d) has been worshipped

17. “Some are like fields of sunlit corn” It is an example of-

(a) Present continuous tense

(b) Present perfect tense

(c) Past perfect tense

(d) Simple present tense

18. “For she who has journeyed through life midway” This is an example of-

(a) Simple present tense

(b) Present continuous tense

(c) Present perfect tense

(d) Simple future tense

19. “She cradled fair sons on her faithful breast.” This is an example of-

(a) Simple present tense

(b) Simple past tense

(c) Simple future tense

(d) Past perfect tense

20. “Some are flushed like the buds that dream” This is an example of-

(a) Simple past tense

(b) Present indefinite tense

(c) Past perfect tense

21. “Who bear our shining loads to the temple fair?” The passive form of voice of this sentence is

(a) Whom will bear our shining loads to the temple fair?

(b) Who will be bore our shining loads to the temple fair?

(c) By whom are the loads borne to the temple fair?

(d) Whom the temple fair be bore our shining loads?

Also ReadComposed Upon Westminster Bridge MCQ

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