Othello MCQ | Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

Othello MCQ Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE

Othello MCQ Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE
Othello MCQ Eleven 1st Semester WBCHSE


1. ‘Othello’ is-

(a) a short story

(b) a long poem

(c) an elegy

(d) a drama

2. Who was writer of the story ‘Othello’?

(a) Emily Bronte

(b) Shakespeare

(c) Ruskin Bond

(d) Brabantio

3. Othello was a-

(a) dark complexioned nobleman

(b) soldier of high rank

(c) moor

(d) clergyman

4. Who was Brabantio?

(a) Senetor of Venice

(b) The king of Italy

(c) The lord of Venice

(d) the army general of Venice

5. lago was-

(a) the father of Desdemona

(b) the father of Emilia

(c) Desdemona’s husband

(d) Emilia’s husband

6. Desdemona was

(a) the daughter of Othello

(b) the wife of lago

(c) the daughter of Brabantio

(d) the wife of cassio

7. Desdemona loved to hear Othello tell the story of his-

(a) early life

(b) adventures

(c) parents

(d) the Moors

8. What were the strange things that were included in Othello’s narration?

(a) the vast wilderness and romantic caverns

(b) the quarries the rock and lofty mountains

(c) savage nations, the man eaters, a race in Africa whose heads grew beneath their shoulders

(d) All in from mentioned (a) to (c)

9. What did Desdemona give Othello on hearing the story of his suffering?

(a) consolded him

(b) gave him a world of sighs

(c) expressed her sympathy for him

(d) remained silent

10. When Desdemona heard of some distressful incidents that Othello had suffered-

(a) she remained indifferent

(b) she shed tears

(c) she consoled him

(d) she told him to stop his narration

11. Desdemona chose Othello as her lover because-

(a) The senator deeply loved Othello

(b) he was the General of the army

(c) she was fond of listening adventure stories that Othello told from his experiences

(d) of his mainly attitude and pleasant personality

12. Desdemona married-

(a) lago

(b) Montano

(c) Othello

(d) Cassio

13. The marriage of Othello and Desdemona was carried out-

(a) openly

(b) secretly

(c) privately

(d) without pomp and grandeur

14. On hearing the story of suffering of Othello, Desdemona emphatically said that it was-

(a) pitiful

(b) strange

(c) wondrous pitiful

(d) pitiful strange and wondrous pitiful

15. Othello married Desdemona-

(a) in a church

(b) in a mosque

(c) in a temple

(d) privately

16. The cannibals are-

(a) man-eaters

(b) vegetarians

(c) non-vegetarians

(d) herbivorous

17. Brabantio and the senate believed that-

(a) Othello had won Desdemona by witchcraft

(b) Othello had reduced Desdemona

(c) Othello had forcefully captured Desdemona

(d) Othello had won Desdemona through witchcraft and reduction

18. Othello had risen to the rank of-

(a) Commander

(b) Major

(c) Brigadier

(d) General

19. Othello’s complexion was-

(a) black

(b) red

(c) brown

(d) white

20. Othello was summoned to the court for the charge brought by-

(a) Brabantio

(b) lago

(c) Cassio

(d) Montano

21. The trunks were preparing themselves to recapture-

(a) the island of Cyprus

(b) Finland

(c) Norway

(d) Denmark

22. Othello’s most confident friend was-

(a) lago

(b) Horatio

(c) Lancaster

(d) Cassio

23. Desdemona said in preferring her husband Othello she had followed her-

(a) sister

(b) brother

(c) cousin

(d) mother

24. No sooner Othello landed in Cyprus, than news arrived that a violent tempest had dispersed the

(a) Trojan fleet

(b) Turkish fleet

(c) English fleet

(d) Canadian fleet

25. Othello married Desdemona without the consent of-

(a) the Duke

(b) Desdemona

(c) Desdemona’s mother

(d) Desdemona’s father

26. lago suspected. Othello was too fond of-

(a) his wife

(b) Cassio’s wife

(c) both his and lago’s wife

(d) some other women

27. Who was offended by Cassio’s promotion?

(a) Othello

(b) Desdemona

(c) Brabantio

(d) lago

28. Brabantio was deceived by-

(a) Othello

(b) Cassio

(c) lago

(d) Desdemona

29. Brabantio put his accusation with-

(a) rapt attention

(b) intemperance

(c) outrageous manner

(d) gravity

30. Why had the state of Venice immediately needed Othello’s service?

(a) to resist the Finns

(b) to resist the Norwegians

(c) to resist the Turks

(d) to resist the Danes

31. To whom did Desdemona say she had a higher duty than to her father-

(a) teacher

(b) guide

(c) mother

(d) husband

32. The news of arrival of Othello and Desdemona and the dispersion of enemy’s fleet made a short of holiday in-

(a) France

(b) Italy

(c) Cyprus

(d) Norway

33. Being two much ashamed, Cassio did not reply to Othello’s question and cunning lago related the incident to Othello-

(a) plainly

(b) bluntly accusing Montano

(c) artfully accusing Cassio

(d) not at all accusing Cassio

34. The chief judge was-

(a) Brabantio

(b) Othello

(c) the Duke

(d) the Chancellor

35. The statement of Othello was confirmed by-

(a) Desdemona herself

(b) the witnesses

(c) the courtiers

(d) the marriage certificate

36. Desdemona regarded the more than appearance and complexion of man-

(a) money

(b) power

(c) comfort

(d) heart

37. When Othello and his lady landed in cyprus-

(a) they faced in mutiny

(b) they were arrested by the Turks

(c) they faced a tempest

(d) a tempest had dispersed the Turkish fleet

38. Othello promoted Cassio to the post of-

(a) Brigadier

(b) General

(c) Commander

(d) Lieutenant

39. lago told Cassio that Desdemona was Othello’s-

(a) adviser

(b) manager

(c) philosopher and guide

(d) general

40. What was the witchcraft used by Othello?

(a) Hypnotism

(b) Bravery

(c) the faculty of telling soft tale

(d) romantic songs

41. Cassio’s promotion caused lago’s-

(a) jealousy

(b) pleasure

(c) frustration

(d) indifference

42. The Turkish fleet retreated because of-

(a) mighty enemy soldiers

(b) lightening

(c) a tempest

(d) sabotage

43. A seemingly good advice of lago was actually given for-

(a) bad purpose

(b) wicked purpose

(c) harrassing Cassio

(d) making Cassio hopless

44. Why did the old senator accept the Moor as his son-in-law?

(a) responsibility

(b) compulsion

(c) necessity

(d) kindness

45. What sort of person was Cassio?

(a) eloquent

(b) handsome

(c) young handsome and eloquent

(d) very reserved

46. Under the guise of what, did the lago begin his deep laid plans on the night of feast?

(a) love to the general

(b) well wishing to Othello

(c) loyalty to the general

(d) loyalty and love to the general

47. Othello promised Desdemona that he would-

(a) reinstate Cassio after a month

(b) reinstate Cassio after some time

(c) reinstate Cassio after immediately

(d) on that night

48. According to lago, Cassio was the fittest person for-

(a) leading the army

(b) doing duties sincerely

(c) leg-pulling

(d) the company of ladies

49. lago often criticised Cassio as a/an-

(a) warmonger

(b) ignorant of art of warfare

(c) womaniser

(d) both (b) and (c)

50. lago hated-

(a) Emilia

(c) Brabantio

(b) Montano

(d) Cassio

51. Artful lago saw Cassio and Desdemona talking and said in a low voice that he-

(a) was happy to see them

(b) expected much help from them

(c) did not like their behaviour

(d) was afraid of them

52. lago’s comment on Desdemona and Cassio’s made Othello-

(a) happy

(b) unhappy

(c) surprised

(d) suspicious

53. Who was lago’s wife-

(a) Desdemona

(b) Emilia

(c) Genilia

(d) Rosalind

54. lago was artful and had studied-

(a) animals nature

(b) philosophy

(c) human mind deeply

(d) science

55. lago allured Cassio to

(a) sleep

(b) drink freely

(c) spend the time with women

(d) talk about the fair lady Desdemona

56. lago begged Othello to observe Desdemona’s behaviour well when she was-

(a) alone

(b) with her cousin

(c) with Cassio

(d) with other gentlemen

57. a worthy officer was wounded in the scuffle.

(a) Othello

(c) lago

(b) Cassio

(d) Montano

58. According to lago, the most intolerable torment of man is the pains of-

(a) jealousy

(b) insult by others

(c) physical torture

(d) the loss of money

59. Being drunk, Cassio got involved in a scuffle with-

(a) lago

(b) Othello

(c) Montano

(d) Brabantio

60. As a result of Cassio’s neglegency, he was-

(a) demoted

(c) promoted

(b) suspended

(d) imprisoned

61. After the scuffle his- Cassio lamented for

(a) dear wife

(b) lost dukedom

(c) dear son

(d) lost reputation

62. Cassio came to meet Desdemona-

(a) to woo her

(b) to kill her

(c) to implore her

(d) to reproach her

63. How long did lago advise Othello to put off reconcilement with Cassio?

(a) a little longer

(b) for quite some time

(c) for some months

(d) for a year

64. The suspicion that lago infused into Othello’s mind disturbed him-

(a) slightly

(b) greatly

(c) not at all

(d) negligibly

65. A soldier’s virtue is-

(a) a pride only

(b) an ambition only

(c) pride and ambition

(d) none of these

66. Othello and lago entered the room where-

(a) Cassio was wooing Desdo-mona

(b) Cassio was intercoding with Desdemona

(c) Cassio was conspiring with Desdemona to kill Othello

(d) Cassio was discussing the problem of the island

67. Who advised Cassio to meet Desdemona to mediate for him with her lord?

(a) Brabantio

(b) Othello

(c) Montano

(d) lago

68. At the sight of what did Othello’s heart used to be roused?

(a) troops only

(b) banners only

(c) artilleries only

(d) troops an banners and artilleries

69. Desdemona promised Cassio-

(a) to elope with him

(b) to give back his post

(c) to plot a murder scheme

(d) to help him to give back his post

70. Othello wanted to have a proof before blaming Desdemona as-

(a) robber

(b) dishonest

(c) thief

(d) witch

71. What did Othello pretend?

(a) a toothache

(b) a headache

(c) a stomache

(d) both (a) and (b)

72. The Egyptian woman told Othello’s mother if she lost it or gave it away, his father’s fancy would turn and he would-

(a) insult her

(b) scold her

(c) turn her away from home

(d) loather her as much he had loved her

73. Othello became doubtful to his wife’s infidelity by the conspiracy of-

(a) Cassio

(b) Montano

(c) lago

(d) Emilia

74. Desdemona had not given any handkerchief to-

(a) lago

(b) Cassio

(c) Cassio and lago

(d) Cassio lago or any other person

75. Whose work was the handkerchief that Othello had given to Desdemona?

(a) relic

(b) gift

(c) charmer’s work

(d) wonder

76. When lago begged apology for having mould him, Othello was full of-

(a) joy

(b) hatred

(c) anger

(d) indifference

77. Emilia stole-

(a) the purse of Desdemona

(b) the purse of Othello

(c) the necklace of Cassio

(d) the handkerchief of Desdemona

78. Desdemona proved to have iron determination by-

(a) killing Othello

(b) marrying Cassio

(c) marrying Othello

(d) murdering Brabantio

79. Othello lost his sweet rest because-

(a) he was bed-ridden

(b) he was jealous of lago

(c) he was jealous of cassio

(d) he was jealous of Desdemona

80. The thing that broke Othello’s heart was-

(a) Disease

(b) Poverty

(c) Disgrace

(d) Desdemona’s infidelity

81. Othello told Desdemona weeping that he could have borne-

(a) poverty only

(b) disgrace only

(c) disease only

(d) poverty, disgrace and disease

82. Desdemona asked her attendant_

(a) to fetch a cup of coffee

(b) to make her bed

(c) to close the room

(d) to message her body

83. The entire plot of conspiracy was created alone by-

(a) lago

(b) Cassio

(c) Brabantio

(d) Horatio

84. Desdemona’s attendant laid on her bed-

(a) a black blanket

(b) the usual bed-sheet

(c) a new bed-sheet

(d) the wedding bed-sheet

85. When Desdemona was awakened with Othello’s entrance, she-

(a) saw him gnaw his underlip

(b) saw him roll his eyes

(c) saw him gnaw his underlip and roll his eyes

(d) saw him trembling

86. Desdemona was awakened by-

(a) the call of Othello

(b) sudden terror

(c) the kisses of Othello

(d) the knock on the door

87. The strawberry spotted handkerchief of Desdemona was first given to Othello’s mother by a/an-

(a) German person

(b) Egyptian woman

(c) Indian woman

(d) French woman

88. While kissing Desdemona, Othello shed tears of-

(a) hatred

(b) treachery

(c) the kisses of Othello

(d) cruelty

89. When Othello saw Desdemona asleep, he thought he would not-

(a) shed her blood or rear her white skin

(b) rouse her from sleep

(c) make any noise

(d) stay near her for a long time

90. Why did lago kill the man whom he set on Cassio failed to kill him?

(a) to prevent discovery of his guilt

(b) to punish him

(c) to remain clear of any suspection

(d) to satisfy Othello

91. Othello stifled Desdemona to death white she was-

(a) sleeping a sound sleep

(b) struggling for life

(c) crying for help

(d) trying to clear herself of blame

92. Othello bade Desdemona-

(a) to prepare for death

(b) prepare for death and say her prayer

(c) to say her prayer

(d) leave the room

93. Othello suspected Desdemona of having affair with-

(a) lago

(b) Montano

(c) Cassio

(d) Various suitors both of her clime and complexion

94. The evidenced that proved Desdemona’s innocence was some letters in the pocket of-

(a) Othello

(b) Cassio

(c) lago

(d) the assassin

95. Othello killed Desdemona by-

(a) poisoning

(b) shooting

(c) stabbing

(d) stifling by covering her up in the bed clothes

96. Othello lay dead-

(a) on the footpath

(c) in the garden

(b) at the gate

(d) upon his dead wife

97. The discovery of his own mistake and the innocence of Desdemona and Cassio made Othello’s life-

(a) painful

(b) insuportable

(c) painful, insupportable and purposeless

98 . Why did Othello commit suicide-

(a) for killing his innocent wife

(b) for giving punishment to innocent Cassio

(c) for having been used by lago

(d) in fear of being ashamed

99. lago was excuted

(a) generously

(b) bitterly

(c) lavishly

(d) with strict tortunes

100. What were remembered when Othello died?

(a) merits were remembered

(b) plans were remembered

(c) Valiant acts were remembered

(d) merits and valiant acts were remembered



1. Desdemona was sought by various suitors both of her __________ none of her choice- but she found

(a) age and generation

(b) clime and complexion

(c) country and abroad

(d) language and disposition

2. The noble lady who regarded ____________ more than the appearance of man had chosen a Moor-

(a) intelligence

(b) courage

(c) honesty

(d) heart

3. Othello told Desdemona how he marched up to the mouth of ____________ and he had been captivated by enemies— 

(a) wild animal

(b) man eaters

(c) cannon

(d) turbulent sea

4. Getting hint from Desdemona Othello spoke more openly of ___________ to gain her consent-

(a) love

(b) the adventurous stories

(c) her unfaithfulness

(d) Cassio

5. The marriage which was ____________ Solemnized could not be kept secret for long-

(a) sincerely

(b) immediately

(c) hardly

(d) privately

6. Brabantio appeal to _____________ and prayed for justice- 

(a) her good sense

(b) the general

(c) the Duke

(d) the king

7. The Senate received a news that ____________ set sail a fleet for hostility-

(a) venice

(b) Turks

(c) France

(d) Cyprus

8. Othello was summoned before the senate for _____________ reasons-

(a) one

(b) two

(c) three

(d) more than three

9. The ______________ father accused Othello in outrageous manner-

(a) hopeless

(b) affectionate

(c) infurious

(d) infatuated

10. Othello was accused of having cast spell and witchcraft to __________ the gentle lady-

(a) love

(b) marry

(c) kill

(d) seduce

11. Othello spoke in the Senate with _____________ eloquence-

(a) Gracious

(b) shameless

(c) artless

(d) heartless

12. Desdemona said now she had a higher duty to perform towards ____________.

(a) her mother

(b) the state of Venice

(c) her lover and husband

(d) her father-in-law

13. Brabantio said Desdemona’s behaviour would have made him a _____________ and hang clogs on his child if he had anymore-

(a) Furious

(b) tyrant

(c) sober

(d) envious

14. The enemies which _____________ stirred up against Desdemona proved in their nature more deadly than stranger or infields-

(a) misfortune

(b) lago

(c) Rodrigo

(d) malice

15. Cassio was a ____________ soldier-

(a) Russian

(b) France

(c) Florentine

(d) Roman

16. Othello had used Cassio in ______________.

(a) his love-affair

(b) war against Turks

(c) punishing lago

(d) his enmity against Brabantio

17. Othello promoted Cassio to the rank of ______________ a place of trust-

(a) Major

(b) Captain

(c) Squdron leader

(d) Lieutenant

18. ________________ thought he had a better claim than Cassio over the rank of lieutenant.-

(a) Rodrigo

(b) lago

(c) Montano

(d) Othello

19. lago had an unjust suspicion that the Moor was too fond of ____________, his wife.-

(a) Desdemona

(b) Emilia

(c) Bianca

(d) Celia

20. Under the guise of ______________ to the general lago lured Cassio to have a drink which was a great fault for him.

(a) loyalty and love

(b) friendship and faith

(c) confidence

(d) devotion and discrimination

21. Drunken Cassio told lago that Desdemona was a most ____________ lady.

(a) dangerous

(b) exquisite

(c) helpless

(d) provocative

22. Taking advantage of the situation, lago spread the _____________ causing Castle bell to be rung. 

(a) rumour

(b) news

(c) alarm

(d) rebellion

23. When Othello asked Cassio of the cause he was too _____________ to reply.

(a) ashamed

(b) terrified

(c) indifferent

(d) drunk

24. _______________ was a strict observer of disci- pline.

(a) Cassio

(b) Desdemona

(c) Othello

(d) lago

25. Desdemona promised Cassio that she would be his ____________ and immediately set about for this cause. 

(a) lover

(b) protector

(c) solicitor

(d) friend

26. Othello deemed lago to be ______________ man full of love.- 

(a) cunning

(b) intelligent

(c) just

(d) honest

27. I must ____________ honest. before I think her dis-

(a) die

(b) have proof

(c) have killed Cassio

(d) confess

28. In Venice the wives would let the world see _______________ but they dare not show their husband. 

(a) their honesty

(b) the truth

(c) their pranks

(d) their efforts

29. The treacherous Villain, laid his plot to turn the ______________ of the innocent lady into her destruction. 

(a) simplicity

(b) gentle qualities

(c) creative qualities

(d) love and compassion

30. Neither popy nor the juice of _____________ could restore Othello the sweet sleep he enjoyed only yesterday.

(a) hemlock

(b) the liver of a jew

(c) datura

(d) mandragora

31. lago told Othello, he had seen a _____________ in Cassio’s possession.

(a) dinner handkerchief

(b) lavender stpotted handkerchief

(c) embrodered handkerchief

(d) strawberry spotted handkerchief

32. The shrewed lago used _______________ to steal the handkerchief from Desdemona. 

(a) Cassio

(b) Emilia

(c) Bianca

(d) Rosalind

33. Othello pretended that he had a _____________ and longed her to lend him her handkerchief.

(a) fever

(c) serious injury

(b) cold

(d) headache

34. When Othello met Desdemona again he accused her more plainly of being ______________.

(a) sick

(b) insane

(c) unfaithful

(d) involved in conspiracy

35. He called Desdemona a ______________ that looked so fair and smelled so sweet. 

(a) popy

(b) weed

(c) rose

(d) lily

36. Othello entered the room full of _____________ purpose.

(a) uncertain

(b) illegal

(c) sharp

(d) dark

37. Othello kissed her for the last time and wept but he said they were _____________ tears.

(a) cruel

(b) happy

(c) angry

(d) painful

38. Suddenly, he could hear no more and covering her up in _____________ stifled her to death. 

(a) handkerchief

(b) bed pillow

(c) bed clothes

(d) a black cloth

39. The discovery was like _____________ to Othello who now felt that he was no better than a murderer.

(a) an advantage

(b) an amazing one

(c) a fresh shower

(d) a thunder stroke

40. Othello loved Desdemona not ____________ but too well. 

(a) at all

(b) as expected

(c) wisely

(d) passionately



1. (A) Brabantio was the duke of Venice.

(B) Desdemona liked a dark Complexion noble Moor.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

2. (A) Othello became a General as Brabantio promoted him.

(B) Brabantio did not allow Othello enter his palace.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false.

3. (A) Othello faught bloody war against Turks.

(B) He had been a great traveller.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

4. (A) Othello told Desdemona stories of Gods and Goddesses.

(B) Desdemona waited with her greedy ears to listen to his stories.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

5. (A) Othello practiced witchcraft to gain the consent of Desdemona in marraige.

(B) Their marriage was privately solem- nized.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false.

6. (A) The secret marriage of Othello and Desdemona did not remain a secret for long.

(B) Brabantio complained to the Duke of Venice agaisnt Othello.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false.

7. (A) Turks set sail a fleet to regain Venice.

(B) Venice needed Othello to fight out Turks.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

8. (A) Before the Senate Othello told simple story of seages and encounters.

(B) Desdemona was not present in the Senate to support Othello.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

9. (A) Brabantio had to accept Othello as his son-in-law.

(B) Desdemona said she had no duty to- ward her father.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

10. (A) Brabantio said he was glad that he had no other children.

(B) Desdemona’s mother too preferred Brabantio over her father.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false.

11. (A) A good news came to Cyprus as Turks decided not to fight.

(B) Cassio was the most confidential friend of Othello.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false.

12. (A) A married man of advance year with a beautiful wife would be alarmed of persons like Cassio.

(B) Othello was incapable of suspecting Cassio to be infidel.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false.

13. (A) Othello thought he lacked the amo- rous qualities of Desdemona.

(B) Next to Othello Desdemona loved and trusted Cassio.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

14. (A) lago had an unjust Suspicion that Othello was too fond of Emilia.

(B) lago hated Cassio as he thought Cassio was befitting in the comany of ladies.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

15. (A) Though lago was crafty, he had no idea about human psychology.

(B) lago conceived a plan of revenge that involved Othello, Cassio and Desdemona.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false.

16. (A) The disperson of Turkis fleet created a sort of dipression among the Vene- tian soldiers.

(B) Cassio was promoted by Othello to the rank of a General.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

17. (A) lago took the promotion of Cassio un- just because he had a better claim upon the post.

(B) lago’s first plan was to throw Cassio away from the post of lieutenant.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false (c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

18. (A) As a lieutenant Cassio had direction from Othello with a charge to drink excessively.

(B) lago provoked Cassio to drink glass after glass.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

19. (A) lago feigned to be a friend of Cassio.

(B) Montano tried to pacify the dispute in which Cassio was involved.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

20. (A) Othello became mortally argry with Cassio after he had heard lago’s account.

(B) Cassio tried to speak in his defence but lago protested.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

21. (A) lago raise alarm to make the Castle bell ring because he was strict ob- server of discipline.

(B) When Cassio regained rationality af. terward he lamented for his lost repu- tation.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

22. (A) Cassio was advised by lago to make revolt against Othello to take his rank back.

(B) lago wanted to instill jealousy in Othello’s mind against Cassio, taking Desdemona in between them.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

23. (A) lago told Othello that he had no proof against Desdemona’s infidelity.

(B) Othello demanded lago proof or he would give him instant death.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

24. (A) Desdemona was given a handkerchief by an Egyptian woman.

(B) Desdemona gifted the handkerchief to Cassio.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

25. (A) lago turned the gentle qualities of Desdemona into her destruction.

(B) Othello’s long conversation with lago made him cheerful.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

26. (A) lago himself stole the handkerchief from Desdemona.

(B) He dropped the handkerchief on Cassio’s way.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

27. (A) The Egyptian woman told Othello’s mother that while she kept the hand- kerchief it would Subdue her husband to her.

(B) Othello told his wife he could bear all sorts of poverty disease or dis- grace but not her unfaithfulness.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

28. (A) Desdemona was furious with her husband’s untrue suspicion.

(B) Othello thought if Desdemona lives, she would betray more people.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

29. (A) Desdemona saw Othello standing with a dagger in hand.

(B) Othello rolled his eyes and gnawed his lips. 

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

30. (A) Othello killed himself because he could not bear the remorse of guilt.

(B) lago was punished by Cassio.

(a) Both A & B are true

(b) A is true but B is false

(c) A is false but B is true

(d) Both A and B are false

Also ReadComposed Upon Westminster Bridge MCQ

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